Exploring what your body corporate might be missing

06 Apr 2023

Body Corporate Might Be Missing-Silver Asset Services

Owing to the substantial consumption resulting from numerous residences, strata title communities can buy electricity in bulk from their chosen provider on a single bill (one bulk bill). Thus, Body Corporates can make enormous savings on the operating costs of the common areas whilst also offering the lowest electricity prices to the residents of the community.

How Does Bulk Electricity Supply Work?

One bulk meter records all the electricity used by the site from the grid. Each residence has an individual electricity meter installed (which is owned by the Body Corporate) to record their consumption. The individual meters are read on a regular basis (monthly or quarterly as decided with the provider) and each residence is billed according to their recorded consumption. The body corporate will determine charges based on the costs they incur to purchase the electricity on behalf of the community.

Silver Asset Services is an accredited embedded network manager. Our accreditation by the AEMO means that we are able to manage all aspects of this role on behalf of your Body Corporate. With bulk supply some or all of the following utilities can be supplied through the Body Corporate (BC) under a bulk arrangement.


The Body Corporate pays for the electricity costs up front and then recovers this from residents based on their actual metered consumption.

Hot Water

The Body Corporate own and maintain a hot water plant onsite which provides hot water to all the individual areas of the community. The Body Corporate pay for the energy used to heat the water which is then recovered from residents via their individual hot water meters and recorded consumption.

Air Conditioning

The Body Corporate own and maintain a chilled water plant onsite which provides air conditioning to all the individual areas of the community. The Body Corporate pay for the energy used to maintain the chilled water plant which is then recovered from residents via their individual air conditioning meters and recorded consumption.


The Body Corporate pays for the gas usage of the community up front which is then recovered from the individual residents based on metered or sometimes unmetered consumption.


The Body Corporate pays for the water usage of the community up front to their local city council, these costs are then recovered from residents based on their individual metered consumption.

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